First round of KPHI Buyback and NFT Art Purchase Programme
As promised, we have bought back KPHI token with the earnings from our Kephi Game and with that we bought pieces of art that were being sold on KPHI token.
And to show our appreciation to our most loyal followers, we have sent the NFTs to 9 lucky winners at random from the holders of the special Private Investor and IDO — IFO Buyer NFTs.
We have purchased and transfered the following NFTs:
- Bench #05 by DavidCrypts
- Jornada Doble by DrNeptuno
- The DogeFather of Venus by Michi
- The World by Nico El Mito
- Ella by Adriana
- The cup of the ancients by Fer Vara
- Gdansk by Sokkebokje
- Bin Face by Toaster
We thank the amazing artists who created this beautiful work, and congratulations to the winners!
Stay tuned for more buyback & NFT art giveaway!